
Rebuilding a Best in Class Travel and Expense Policy

Rebuilding a Best In Class Travel and Expense Policy

(09-28-2023) TRAVEL Establishing a Committee: Whether reviewing or rebuilding your policies, create a committee to include all relevant stakeholders. This includes not only divisional stakeholders such as Human Resources, Risk Management,…
2024 Hotel Sourcing

Hotel Sourcing Season 2024 – What Lies Ahead

(09-28-2023) Sourcing hotels is normalizing! While we see continuous change in all areas of preferred supplier negotiations, the hotel sector is working towards increasing transparency and partnerships with their corporate customers. KEY…
2024 GBTA Global Biz Travel Predictions

2024 Global Business Travel: Projections and Perspectives

(09-28-2023) The Global Business Travel Association released its predictions with an exciting projection for 2024 of surpassing the global pre-pandemic business level spend to $1.4 trillion. This forecast further extends growth to $1.8 trillion…
The Voice of the Traveler

The Voice of the Traveler

Business travelers in a recent survey performed by BTN characterized travel as a fundamental work enablement mechanism for their current roles. More than 83 percent of 309 full-time workers said that business travel was “important” or…